“What is the focus of this retreat?”
“One of the touchstones of Illuman is Centering. During our time together we will explore what it means to Center Down!”
“One of the touchstones of Illuman is Centering. During our time together we will explore what it means to Center Down!”
Join the men of Illuman of Indiana and Michigan on this mini-retreat for an introduction to Centering Prayer (CP). Why would I want to practice CP? Is it difficult? What are the challenges of CP? During our time together, we will draw on the wisdom of Howard Thurman, Cynthia Bourgealt, Thomas Keating, Richard Rohr and others. Please join us for this online event using the Zoom software. There are some tutorials and instructional resources below if you are unfamiliar with it.
Silence is God’s first language: everything else is a poor translation
– Thomas Keating
“Don’t judge centering prayer by how many thoughts come or how much peace you enjoy. The only way to judge this prayer is by its long-range fruits: whether in daily life you enjoy greater peace, humility and charity. Having come to deep interior silence, you begin to relate to others beyond the superficial aspects of social status, race, nationality, religion and personal characteristics.”
– Thomas Keating
Philippians 2:5 “Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.” The words call us up short as to what we are actually supposed to be doing on this path: not just admiring Jesus, but acquiring his consciousness. –
-Cynthia Bourgeault
…the theological basis for Centering Prayer lies in the principle of kenosis, Jesus’ self-emptying love that
forms the core of his own self -understanding and life practices.
– Cynthia Bourgeault
Only after God has taught us to live “undefended” can we immediately (or at least more quickly) stand with and for the other, and for the moment.
– Richard Rohr
Please refer to the resources below to learn more about Zoom, download the software or review a short user tutorial.
Learn more about Zoom // Zoom is the software we use for Virtual Council Circles and many other Illuman gatherings in light of the pandemic. Zoom provides remote conferencing services using cloud computing and is a downloadable communications software that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaborations. Learn more at this link!
Follow this article to learn about the basic features of the Zoom client on Windows and Mac. This give some step by step guidance on navigating Zoom. Click here for the article!
Zoom is available on Mobile and Tablet and works with either Mac and Windows operating systems.
Phil Noonan // I have been married for 37 years. My wife Cathy and I, have three grown children and two dogs: all have been and continue to be my teachers…the learning never stops! My spiritual journey has led me to the teachings of Richard Rohr, the 12 Step program and my marriage as a spiritual practice. I completed my MROP in 2014 at Pilgrim Park, IL; participated in Elder Cohort 5 in 2019 and am an Elder with Illuman of Indiana-Michigan Council of Elders.
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