We are grateful that this virtual retreat can be offered via donation
“What is the focus of this retreat?”
Join Illuman, Matthew Lyda, and Recover The Wild on January 13th at 12:30pm Eastern as we:
– resuscitate our innocence
– hone our generative ridiculousness capacities
– and explore “Angelic Troublemaking!”
What to expect:
In a land of climate change, chronic stress, breakneck pace, explosions, and dead of winter, write yourself a permission slip to recall your potent resources and engage in essential tasks in masculine maturity.
Collaborate with other intrepid men in:
- Experiments with child-likeness
- Invitations to play and Holy Foolery
- Essential conversations around compulsions
- Opportunities for joy
- Antidotes to burnout
- Balm for the stress men carry

The retreat leader:

Matthew Ray Lyda –
Matthew Ray Lyda is, first and foremost, a goofy goober who drives a 2012 Honda minivan sporting a unicorn license plate. Secondly, an inhabitant of the foothills of South Carolina, the former hunting grounds of the Cherokee people, and thirdly, a fan of many Kevin Costner films (esp. Robin Hood & Dances with Wolves). He’s served overseas in Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, and Kolkata.
Married to his best friend and college sweetheart, he fathers three gloriously exuberant children who could not care less about his certifications/training/qualifications, including:
• Co-founder of Recover The Wild
• Authorship of Recover The Wild & more poetry found HERE.
• Spiritual Director (Oasis Ministries)
• Eco-psychology Certificate (Pacifica Graduate Institute)
• PSAP (Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional)
• RAE (Rainbow Advocate Educator)
• MATS (Masters in Theological Studies)
• Membership with IITAP (Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals)
• Formation in CIT (Center for Intercultural Training)
“This is the fruit of my dismantled “prayer filter.” These prayers were birthed in the trenches of a loved one’s suicide, mass shootings in America, and my own inconsistencies. Other wild writings were scribbled by a quiet river with family, born in solitude at state parks, or from a longing to be a more generative husband and father. 100% of the profits go to support the recovery of men and their families. Partner with Recover the Wild at patreon.com/recoverthewild.”